is a private practice psychotherapist living in Richmond, VA. He was born in New York City May, 1939, six months after Kristalnacht, Germany's massive pogrom against the Jews and six months before the SS issued and executed the first orders singling out Polish Jewry for murder.
The gates of Auschwitz yawned open.
Of the more than six million Jews murdered by Europe in the years 1939- 45, more than one million were children. Had the parents or grandparents of Jews surviving today not fled Europe before the war; had Germany won the war it came so close to winning; had Hitler's idol and American industrialist Henry Ford won his anti-Semitic populist campaign and become president of the United States, would even a single Jew be alive in the world today?
For David Turner Auschwitz is ever present. He does not consider himself just another American artist who matured in the shadow of The New York School; nor just an artist who happens to have been born a Jew. He sees himself, as every Jew alive in the wake of the Holocaust, a child of Shoah. It is this awareness that defines his life, drives his work.
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